
The Real Gunsmith

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7MM PRC Compared to Other 7MM's

The Real Gunsmith December 16, 2022 3:11 pm

We are now offering another custom package [note: package means it is all-inclusive, no changes, other than caliber will be made] that will appeal to those many potential clients that have contacted us for a custom rifle, only to realize that is out of their budget.
With the economy in the shape it is in, we want to make a custom rifle option that is more budget friendly, WITHOUT sacrificing accuracy and quality. 
We have found an action, Mack Brothers action, in long and short to be able to cover a wide range of calibers.    Paired with the always top of the line Hart stainless match barrels, McMillan fiberglass stock [two options] and a Patriot Swampfox scope [please, don’t start on the China made comments, listen to the content on this video!] and Randy’s attention to custom load development, a client may have a full custom The Real Gunsmith/Randy’s Custom Rifle rifle, at a cost anywhere from $1000-$2000 less than the other current options.
Remember, not everyone has big bucks to spend for a full custom rifle, or expensive scope, but still want top accuracy and to “get in the game”.  That is who we are reaching out to with this custom offering.
Contact us for current pricing and turnaround time. 

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Check out our The Real Gunsmith merchandise page:  Note on the greeting cards: The bold print with Cathy’s name and year are NOT on the cards.

We are now offering another custom package [note: package means it is all-inclusive, no changes, other than caliber will be made] that will appeal to those many potential clients that have contacted us for a custom rifle, only to realize that is out of their budget.
With the economy in the shape it is in, we want to make a custom rifle option that is more budget friendly, WITHOUT sacrificing accuracy and quality.
We have found an action, Mack Brothers action, in long and short to be able to cover a wide range of calibers. Paired with the always top of the line Hart stainless match barrels, McMillan fiberglass stock [two options] and a Patriot Swampfox scope [please, don’t start on the China made comments, listen to the content on this video!] and Randy’s attention to custom load development, a client may have a full custom The Real Gunsmith/Randy’s Custom Rifle rifle, at a cost anywhere from $1000-$2000 less than the other current options.
Remember, not everyone has big bucks to spend for a full custom rifle, or expensive scope, but still want top accuracy and to “get in the game”. That is who we are reaching out to with this custom offering.
Contact us for current pricing and turnaround time.

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Support us on Patreon and get 4 years worth of exclusive videos, photos, and other items of interest:
Check out our The Real Gunsmith merchandise page: Note on the greeting cards: The bold print with Cathy’s name and year are NOT on the cards.

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YouTube Video UExfMkdibmJDaUQ0ZjNvZmFWdDBKMl85UzdpX0JxNzRoZi4yMDhBMkNBNjRDMjQxQTg1

New Action Offering

The Real Gunsmith September 28, 2022 9:35 am

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