
The Real Gunsmith

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Randy's 2018 Bull Elk – The Real Gunsmith

The Real Gunsmith November 5, 2018 9:50 pm

Hunting in Grizzly Country – The Real Gunsmith

The Real Gunsmith October 4, 2018 8:22 pm

UPDATE:  Due to a number of variations, the package may be a bit different than shown here. 
Contact Randy at for a quote. 

Just in time for hunting season, Randy has finished his first rifle in the RCR series of rifles with serial number 001 complete and available to find its new home. One lucky person will be able to get serial number RCR001 which incorporates Randy's vast knowledge and years of experience into this accurate and well built rifle from the best components available. This rifle is a 300 Winchester Magnum with a Borden Action specially built for Randy's Custom Rifles. This rifle  comes with a Hart Rifle Barrel, Randy’s Custom Rifles Muzzle Brake, McMillan Fiberglass Stock, HS Precision Bottom Metal, Timney Trigger, Leupold VX 5HD 3-15x44mm [30mm] CDS 2L2 Windplex Scope, Leupold RX1600 and Custom Load Development done by Randy himself. 

Other calibers we suggest in an RCR series rifle are: .257 Weatherby, .264 Winchester, .270 Weatherby, 7MM x .300, Weatherby, .300 Weatherby, .300 Winchester, .300 Remington Ultra Mag, .338 Remington Ultra Mag. If you desire other calibers, contact Randy.

To find out more about this available rifle and the RCR of Custom Rifle built around the Borden action for our shot, visit and click Custom Rifles, Long Range Rifles as well as Custom Rifles, Tactical for building YOUR custom International Hunter or Tactical Traveler.
God bless. 
Thank you for watching. 
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UPDATE: Due to a number of variations, the package may be a bit different than shown here.
Contact Randy at for a quote.

Just in time for hunting season, Randy has finished his first rifle in the RCR series of rifles with serial number 001 complete and available to find its new home. One lucky person will be able to get serial number RCR001 which incorporates Randy's vast knowledge and years of experience into this accurate and well built rifle from the best components available. This rifle is a 300 Winchester Magnum with a Borden Action specially built for Randy's Custom Rifles. This rifle comes with a Hart Rifle Barrel, Randy’s Custom Rifles Muzzle Brake, McMillan Fiberglass Stock, HS Precision Bottom Metal, Timney Trigger, Leupold VX 5HD 3-15x44mm [30mm] CDS 2L2 Windplex Scope, Leupold RX1600 and Custom Load Development done by Randy himself.

Other calibers we suggest in an RCR series rifle are: .257 Weatherby, .264 Winchester, .270 Weatherby, 7MM x .300, Weatherby, .300 Weatherby, .300 Winchester, .300 Remington Ultra Mag, .338 Remington Ultra Mag. If you desire other calibers, contact Randy.

To find out more about this available rifle and the RCR of Custom Rifle built around the Borden action for our shot, visit and click Custom Rifles, Long Range Rifles as well as Custom Rifles, Tactical for building YOUR custom International Hunter or Tactical Traveler.
God bless.
Thank you for watching.
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YouTube Video UExfMkdibmJDaUQ0Y1RTTnBBLTRwYS12UGV0WDYyREh2QS42MTI4Njc2QjM1RjU1MjlG

The Newest Rifle Build RCR001 – The Real Gunsmith

The Real Gunsmith September 20, 2018 6:28 pm

Randy talks about how the effects of mismanagement of the large predatory animals specifically the Grizzly Bear and the Wolf in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has resulted in a severely diminished population of ungulate species, specifically moose and elk. If we don't do something the animals will be gone and so will hunting. Who else is willing to stand up and say/do something about this issue?
NOTE:  UPDATE:   We had hoped to get this out before the WY primaries, however that didn’t happen, life got in the way.  
Unfortunately for WY and our wildlife,  and many other aspects of WY that we hold dear, will be under the governorship of a Democrat in Republican clothing once again.  Mark Gordon has ties to Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, to name a few very leftist groups.  Harriet Hagamen will still be working on our behalf, in as yet unidentified capacity.
Also, on Aug. 31st a Federal judge in MT put a stay on the first grizzly hunt in decades for 21 days, when he will issue another stay, it is anticipated.  All based on emotions, not science.
UPDATE:  More than one stay has been ordered on delisting grizzlies since the publication of this video. 
There is a trophy hunting season for wolves in NW WY, with limited quotas in different areas. The remainder of WY wolves are listed as predator and there is no license needed, nor any season, but open all year.
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Randy talks about how the effects of mismanagement of the large predatory animals specifically the Grizzly Bear and the Wolf in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem has resulted in a severely diminished population of ungulate species, specifically moose and elk. If we don't do something the animals will be gone and so will hunting. Who else is willing to stand up and say/do something about this issue?
NOTE: UPDATE: We had hoped to get this out before the WY primaries, however that didn’t happen, life got in the way.
Unfortunately for WY and our wildlife, and many other aspects of WY that we hold dear, will be under the governorship of a Democrat in Republican clothing once again. Mark Gordon has ties to Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, to name a few very leftist groups. Harriet Hagamen will still be working on our behalf, in as yet unidentified capacity.
Also, on Aug. 31st a Federal judge in MT put a stay on the first grizzly hunt in decades for 21 days, when he will issue another stay, it is anticipated. All based on emotions, not science.
UPDATE: More than one stay has been ordered on delisting grizzlies since the publication of this video.
There is a trophy hunting season for wolves in NW WY, with limited quotas in different areas. The remainder of WY wolves are listed as predator and there is no license needed, nor any season, but open all year.
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Predation on our Wildlife – The Real Gunsmith

The Real Gunsmith September 12, 2018 8:51 am

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