Rebarreling and Rechambering Rifle reboring and relining contact for quotes in the calibers of your choice. Rebarreling using chrome moly or stainless Shilen, Hart, McMillan, Rock Creek, and Douglas Premium barrels. Hundreds of chamberings to choose from .17 caliber to .50 BMG Barrel fluting, octagon and rechambering Quick turn-around time Custom rebarreling using various manufacturers barrels in chrome-moly and stainless in 100′s of chamberings from 17 caliber to 50 BMG. Barrel fluting, octagon, and rechambering. All orders are custom, and each job is individually quoted.
Personal Rifle Consultant Purchasing a custom rifle is a very easy process AFTER we evaluate your needs such as type of shooting you are doing or interested in doing, physical size, sight etc. You do not have to be an experienced shooter or have an in depth knowledge of rifle building to be able to order a custom built rifle and get what works for you specifically. We are available for consultation over the phone or in person [by appointment] at our facility in Wapiti, Wyoming, west of Cody.
It is our job to explain the technical and visual appearance options and suggest what we feel would be in your best interest to have in your purchase in regards to performance and budget.
Prices are subject to change without notice and each individual custom rifle will have it’s own unique components, price and time frame.
Accurising: All rifles whether it is a custom built rifle, a customized rifle, or any rifle that comes in for repair, will be accurised by squaring the receiver and the barrel as needed to assure top accuracy. In many factory rifles this has never been done and will effect overall accuracy. This is first and foremost an accuracy shop and all means necessary to assure top accuracy are taken. This may vary from rifle to rifle.
Rebarrelling and Reboring: Randy will be glad to rebarrel any rifle that has been shot out. He can also rebore, rerifle, and rechamber some barrels to new calibers providing there is enough wall thickness and the bolt face is compatible with the current caliber. We rebarrel with chrome moly or stainless Shilen, Hart, McMillan, Rock Creek, and Douglas Premium barrels, as well as others.
Below is a photo of Randy with his custom bench rest rifle, Blue, built with his own action, along with long time friend and mentor, Les Bowman.