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ON TARGET: 30 Nosler is not based on .404 Jeffery


In the October 2016 issue of American Hunter, page 94, Ron Spomer, Field Editor states the 30 Nosler is based on the .404 Jeffery case.

I must emphatically state that the 30 Nosler is NOT based on the .404 Jeffery case.  It is based on the .300 RUM case.

.404 Norma and RWS cases measure .5405 at the head.  Rem. .300 Rum cases measure .5455 at the head.  They are different cases entirely because of this.  Furthermore, chambers for the .404 measure .545, the .300 RUM measure .550.  So you see, a RUM case won’t fit in a .404 chamber as it is .545 at the rear of the chamber at the same position on the head diameter.  Nosler cases measure .5457 head.

I think every writer on this subject has misstated this.

I am a Master Rifle builder with 50 years of experience, of which 33 years is experience building .404 Jeffery based rifles.

Many years ago someone tried to use 30-06 cases formed to 6.5×55.  There is a difference of .006 to .007 thousands. Information came out not to use 30-06 cases, but only 6.5×55 cases.  Given the information misstated in the article, would you writers say the 6.5×55 is based on the 06 case?

It seems someone inexperienced, as so many writers seem to be, measured an expanded to fit the chamber case at the expansion ring to come up with the .300 RUM cases to .5455 at the head and said it was based on the .5405 Jeffery case.

This error comes from lacking technical understanding of the differences from a diameter standpoint, or a case, chamber aspect dimensionally.

We appear to be at a point in history where few have a technical knowledge or the experience to grasp the subject material, as has consistently been the case here.

©Randy Selby 9-19-2016

A letter to the WY Game & Fish

A follower of ours on our FB page and YoutTube sent us this letter he wrote to the WY G & F office here in Cody.  With Michael’s permission I am sharing this here. I did remove his address and home town.  Below Michael’s letter is the address and phone # of the WY Game and Fish field office in Cody if you, too, are concerned about the devastation the unchecked wolf growth has had on our ungulate herds in NW WY.

“Hey Randy,  I sent this to the Cody Wyoming Office today:

It has been brought to the publics attention that we have some issues with the over population of wolves destroying our wildlife in the Cody Wyoming district with little to no management of the wolf population. This part of the valley is designated as a trophy area of sorts in the BLMA. This land is owned by the government or by the people you would say and from my understanding the big game animals on this land is regulated by the Wyoming Fish and Game Agency. Now here is my question as a taxpayer of this United States, If I purchased a Wyoming hunting license could I or anyone in our party reasonably be able to expect to harvest large game animals (Elk, Moose, Sheep, deer) on public land in the Cody Wyoming area or has the wolf population so devastated the elk, deer and moose herds on public land that the harvest of these game animals would prove to very difficult if not almost impossible on public land in this area? Now the way I see it if the wolves have wrecked havoc on these public lands driving big game animals to private property and areas that can’t be hunted by the general public then it is failing!! The Wyoming Fish and Game Department has the responsibility to see that we keep things balanced in all public land areas not just certain ones so that we can still exercise our freedom to preserve a heritage that has been passed down from generations and is our constitutional right. If the wolves are responsible for this then it needs to be addressed so that our game animals can continue to thrive on public land for the enjoyment and provisions of the public and the residence of the great state Wyoming. I want to investigate a little further to see if congress needs to be addressed concerning this issue and designation of funds from Pittman Robertson Act and how it is steering the Wildlife program. Again my question, If I purchased a Wyoming hunting license could I or anyone in our party be able to reasonably expect to harvest large game animals (Elk, Moose, Sheep, deer) on public land in the Cody Wyoming area or has the wolf population so devastated the elk, deer and moose herds on public land that the harvest of these game animals would prove to very difficult if not almost impossible on public land in this area? Thank you Michael E. Kilpatrick   N.C. ”

Wyoming Game and Fish, 2820 WY-120, Cody, WY 82414  307-527-7125


Ballistic Coefficient Is Not Constant

Recently in one of my videos on The Real Gunsmith YouTube channel I mentioned that BC is not constant for any bullet.  Some naysayers said I don’t know what I am talking about.

That is their right for sure. But before they lay claim to their wrong-headed notion, they need to read what Dave Emary has to say on the subject.

Dave Emary is the recently retired senior ballistician at Hornady. He is still retained as a consultant for Hornady.

In the May 2018 issue of Guns and Ammo Dave Emary’s Beyond The Numbers column is titled What are BC and Cd and what do they mean?  The article is on page 37. This is a must read for everyone shooting long range.

He details the reasons exactly why BC is not constant.  I urge you to read this article which dispels many of the sacred cow myths surrounding ballistic coefficient as well as drag coefficient.


Best Elk hunting cartridges, elk rifles and elk scopes

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

Best elk cartridge,elk rifle and elk scope recommendations

I’ve hunted elk for 53 years.  The elk have been taken with many different bullets in every desirable caliber and from distances of 25 yards to 700 yards.  I’ve hunted for my own elk, with family, friends, and clients.

Many years ago I decided, based on my shooting and the others that I was with at the time, then from feedback from our clients, that the 7MM was one of the very best options for taking down elk, effectively and reliably every time.

Specifically the 7×300 Wby., 7x.404 Wapiti Express [my development over 30 years ago], 7MM STW and the 7MM RUM, using 175 Nosler Partitions, driven along at 3140-3200 fps have become my top recommendations.

The 175 Hornady Interlock and 175 Swift A-frame are very good also.

This combination will take elk at any angle from close up to far [my recommendation is no more than 800 yards, but that is for another blog].  It is a very easy to shoot caliber and combined with a top accurate rifle, from our shop, of course, will help any competent shooter to be an excellent option for hunting elk or other big game.

I prefer to use scopes with reticle systems to match every yardage from 400 to 700 yards, or Leupold CDS Scope system.  Scopes from 3-9, 3-10 and 4-12 are ideal for the situations you’d find on any elk hunt.  Truly, scopes of higher power are not that useful, add weight and cost.  I prefer the reticle systems, hands down.  I’ve tried many, many other systems with knobs for adjustment and sooner or later find them wanting over the simple but very effective reticle system.

A straight 6x scope is more than adequate.  I like a rifle weight of 9 to 9.5 lbs, scoped, with the cartridges and sling. Larger scopes don’t give that much more advantage to make it worth the weight and balance difference, in my opinion.

As mentioned above, I’ve been on many elk hunts, by my estimation over 800.  Those experiences convinced me on what the best options are for any elk hunt.  A big Seven, loaded to the velocities I’ve indicated, a good, reliable reticle scope and the 175 gr bullet, placed correctly will always bring home the meat.

It is my firm belief that no one should ever attempt to take any game the size of elk, or larger, with lightly constructed target bullets, and should always adhere to a 2000 ft. lb. striking energy as the distance increases.

7MM elk rifle


ON TARGET: 30 Nosler is not .404 Jeffery


In the October 2016 issue of American Hunter, page 94, Ron Spomer, Field Editor, states that the 30 Nosler is based on the .404 Jeffery case.

I must emphatically state that the 30 Nosler is NOT based on the .404 Jeffery case.  It is based on the .300 RUM case.

.404 Norma and RWS cases measure .5405 at the head.  Rem. .300 Rum cases measure .5455 at the head.  They are different cases entirely because of this.  Furthermore, chambers for the .404 measure .545, the .300 RUM measure .550.  So you see, a RUM case won’t fit in a .404 chamber as it is .545 at the rear of the chamber at the same position on the head diameter.  Nosler cases measure .5457 head.

I am a Master Rifle builder with 50 years of experience, of which 33 years is experience building .404 Jeffery based rifles.

Many years ago someone tried to use 30-06 cases formed to 6.5×55.  There is a difference of .006 to .007 thousands. Information came out not to use 30-06 cases, but only 6.5×55 cases.  Given the information misstated in the article, would you writers say the 6.5×55 is based on the 06 case?

It seems someone inexperienced, as so many writers seem to be, measured an expanded to fit the chamber case at the expansion ring to come up with the .300 RUM cases to .5455 at the head and said it was based on the .5405 Jeffery case.

This error comes from lacking technical understanding of the differences from a diameter standpoint, or a case, chamber aspect dimensionally.

We appear to be at a point in history where few have a technical knowledge or the experience to grasp the subject material, as has consistently been the case here. Unfortunately the error, once written about, seems to be repeated and then, like many misconceptions becomes to be believed as truth.

©Randy Selby 9-19-2016

Randy's Custom Rifles


It’s about Freedom

This country is in a terrible shape and it could get a lot worse. It is time to stand up and defend the Constitution and our country.

Socialists [read Democrats in fact] want to bring illegal citizens into this country, and those people would vote Democrat-give-me-free-stuff.

There is an out of control welfare program that encourages state dependence, not self-reliance. Welfare recipients receive free or subsidized housing, food, phones, health care, and free or subsidized abortions.  The new plantation system with the Master being the Government and instead of working the slaves, the government encourages the slaves to be lazy.  It encourages multiple children with multiple partners with no commitment to marriage. After all there is no reason for marriage if you are married to the state.

The Clinton’s have taken in millions, under nefarious means, and in doing so have sold the safety of this country, with the intent to destroy the America we know and love.  Their aim is to over throw the country, constitution and rule of law. To watch Hillary’s America click here.

The Democrats, with the collusion of the Republicans have destroyed the general population’s incentive produce.  The manufacturers that operate solely in the US is a small minority by making it more cost effective, with taxes NAFTA and TTP, to do business in other countries, thus helping those countries while hurting the US work force.

The Clinton’s are prostituting their Clinton Foundation under the guise of helping the poor, yet only an approximate 10% goes to the poor, the rest into the Clinton coffers for themselves and cronies.  And they use the funds to undermine American safety and sovereignty.  They care nothing for the US except how to use it for their own propaganda.

The next POTUS will appoint 3-5 Supreme Court Justices.  Hillary has promised to rewrite the Second Amendment. She has vowed that religions need to change their beliefs on marriage, family and sanctity of life.

EVERY voter must cast a vote to save this country.  We have 6 options which are:  Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Write-In or No Vote.  Historically any of the last 4 options has resulted in a win for the Democratic candidate.  Vote to LIMIT EVIL, vote to secure your First and Second Amendment Rights.

Vote Trump-Pence.

ON TARGET: 6.5 MM debate

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section” transparent_background=”off” background_color=”#a9c1d1″ allow_player_pause=”off” inner_shadow=”off” parallax=”off” parallax_method=”off” padding_mobile=”off” make_fullwidth=”off” use_custom_width=”off” width_unit=”on” make_equal=”off” use_custom_gutter=”off”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_image admin_label=”Image” src=”” show_in_lightbox=”off” url_new_window=”off” use_overlay=”off” animation=”left” sticky=”off” align=”left” force_fullwidth=”off” always_center_on_mobile=”on” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid” /][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”]

ARE “These 6.5 MMs are hot?”

Under the heading, 6.5-.284 Winchester, on page 28 Lane Pearce, in Oct. 2016 Shooting times states “There is also a domesticated version called the 6.5-.284 Norma, which has the exact same case dimensions as the original wildcat.”  [Emphasis is mine.]

This is not true. They are different chamberings because all of the cases for the 6.5-.284 Norma are larger, requiring a different reamer.

Lapua cases are .499 at head, .471 at the shoulder.

Norma cases are .498 at head, .474 at the shoulder.

Nosler cases are .4975 at head, .474 at the shoulder.

Hornady cases are .4977 at the head, .4725 at the shoulder.

Winchester cases are .494 at the head, .469 at the shoulder.

Cases are too large in the Win. chamber as the reamer measures .499 at the same distance measured from the shoulder to extractor groove at the head.  The shoulder is .475 as the 6.5-.284 cases.  Reamers of 6.5-.284 Win. are made specifically for Win. cases.

Reamers for 6.5-.284 Norma are made specifically for Lapua, Norma, Nosler, and Hornady cases.  Norma reamer is .5005.

Overly tight situations are encountered with all of the cases of 6.5-.284 manufacturers in a 6.5-.284 Win. chamber.  And the cases must be loaded to a much lower pressure level than the Win. cases. Win. 62000 PSI, all others 54000 PSI or they stick in the chamber.

The Win. version is capable of 200 fps. higher velocities than the Norma version because of cases and chamberings.  Pressure spikes come quick using the wrong cases in the wrong chambers that are dimensionally incompatible.

It is necessary to use a 1” micrometer that reads 1 ten-thousands of an inch and learn how to use it.  In other words, know your subject material to avoid getting folks into trouble by attempting the wrong loading practices.

We once had the knowledge base in a couple of writers, but they are gone.  And it seems as though there is no one writing to replace them.

8-15-2016  © Randy’s Custom Rifles


ON TARGET: 26 Nosler or 6.5×55 Imp.

26 Nosler Not Up to Standard of 6.5×55 Imp.

This case is way over-bore.  P. O. Ackley determined 50+ years ago that the 6.5×55 Imp. is the correct size case for the 6.5 caliber.

In my 45 years of custom rifle building in every caliber bears his observation to be true.  I’ve built 6.5x.300 Wby’s and found 400 rounds maximum accuracy from top quality Match barrels.  The Nosler case is nearly identical in capacity and it is not correct for anything below 7MM, of which I’ve built hundreds.  Using this new 26 Nosler cartridge is just asking for problems and will result in a short barrel life with such a large volume case in the 6.5 caliber.

A 6.5×55 Imp.,with the correct powders, will come within 150 to 200 fps. of the 26 Nosler with 35-40 grains less of powder and many times the barrel life.  Shooting the 26 Nosler is not cost effective, which plays a big factor in this day and age of high reloading costs.

In fact some eight years ago I shortened the 7MM Rem. Ultra Mag  and arrived at the same capacity case as the 26 Nosler in 7MM and my loads chronographed at 3447 with 140 gr bullet in 26” barrel  This should prove the point that this same case in 6.5 is too big.

Call Randy at 307-587-6152 if you are interested in more information or a rifle built in 6.5 x 55 Imp.

Feb. 15, 2014  © Randy’s Custom Rifles

ON TARGET: Proper rifle bedding

Accuracy and properly bedded rifle action or just “bolt together to a bedding block?”

I read where someone says that they don’t need to bed their rifles using a bedding block.

First off, this has been stated by someone who is not an experienced rifle maker or accuracy specialist..

I have nearly 50 years of experience properly bedding rifles that I build for top accuracy.  I have the same number of years properly working up top accuracy loads for EACH individual rifle I build, not just each caliber, as some do.  In most of the rifles I build the rifles are shooting groups between .300 and .400 at 100 yards.  This cannot be duplicated with un-bedded rifles, by amateurs with little know-how in developing top accuracy loads.


In all of the years of working up loads and testing my own rifles, as well as those I build and those that come into the shop for tune ups and custom load work up, I have thousands of targets to prove that the rifles I build and work on are the most accurate rifles available.  I do this testing day after day, rifle after rifle by selecting top quality barrels, each to suit the caliber, coupled with a life time of accuracy testing thousands of rifles.  I use bench rest techniques that I have developed in this shop.

Only rifles that deliver this proven level of accuracy should be used at long range distances to ethically take big game.  Never use a generic load shot in one rifle, then expect it to work in another rifle of the same caliber.  Doing so shows inexperience and the chance of wounding game that suffer a long time before being put out of its misery or never being recovered is too great.

Inexperience and lack of years in the accuracy game does not provide top level accuracy.  One to one and a half inch groups is not acceptable for long range shooting.

Also, remember there is no one perfect load for any particular caliber, even rifles using the same make of barrels from the same lot run. They are all individual and need their own “diet” to shoot to top accuracy.

9-3-2016 © Randy’s Custom Rifles

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