
The Real Gunsmith

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We urged you to vote in 2024.  We got guff about supporting Trump because of his stance and signing the bump stock legislation.  We totally disagreed with it then, we still do. Thankfully, the SCOTUS overturned that legislation.  However, Trump is the right person for the job at this time, even if you don’t agree with everything he’s said or done.
If you are waiting for the perfect president to vote for [or for any government office for that matter] you are part of the problem and may as well give up.   Our choice in this election is to vote for and urge our Electoral representatives to vote for Trump, to support Harris or whomever the Dems chose shortly, or to do nothing and whine that your voice doesn’t count or isn’t heard.  If you chose either of the last two options, you will be culpable in speeding up the decline of our Republic into a more and more socialist state.
Whomever the Democratic party choses, their intent in the killing of more and more innocent helpless babies, unborn and born, to push euthanasia of the “unwanted” [which could be more and more of us as we “mature”], to encourage the degeneration of morality by pushing men and boys in women’s and girls sports, to a multitude of other degenerate ideologies. 
This has started all at the bottom level and people not standing up for RIGHT is the reason so much is wrong.  
Get out and vote, for our sake, for God’s sake.

Follow us on Rumble: 
Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!
Support us on Patreon, for at least 48 exclusive videos by Randy, as well as photography, artography, articles and items of interest that we like to share with our Patrons.   We truly appreciate the support of our Patrons.

We urged you to vote in 2024. We got guff about supporting Trump because of his stance and signing the bump stock legislation. We totally disagreed with it then, we still do. Thankfully, the SCOTUS overturned that legislation. However, Trump is the right person for the job at this time, even if you don’t agree with everything he’s said or done.
If you are waiting for the perfect president to vote for [or for any government office for that matter] you are part of the problem and may as well give up. Our choice in this election is to vote for and urge our Electoral representatives to vote for Trump, to support Harris or whomever the Dems chose shortly, or to do nothing and whine that your voice doesn’t count or isn’t heard. If you chose either of the last two options, you will be culpable in speeding up the decline of our Republic into a more and more socialist state.
Whomever the Democratic party choses, their intent in the killing of more and more innocent helpless babies, unborn and born, to push euthanasia of the “unwanted” [which could be more and more of us as we “mature”], to encourage the degeneration of morality by pushing men and boys in women’s and girls sports, to a multitude of other degenerate ideologies.
This has started all at the bottom level and people not standing up for RIGHT is the reason so much is wrong.
Get out and vote, for our sake, for God’s sake.

Follow us on Rumble:
Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!
Support us on Patreon, for at least 48 exclusive videos by Randy, as well as photography, artography, articles and items of interest that we like to share with our Patrons. We truly appreciate the support of our Patrons.

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Republic or Socialist state

The Real Gunsmith July 31, 2024 7:07 pm

Randy talks about some of the reasons he and others feel there is not only a shortage of reloading components, but the end result is more people feel they have no choice but to use factory ammo. 
Can you get good accuracy?  Yes. Great, precise accuracy, seldom.  You are getting a generic load that will work very well in some rifles and will give less than acceptable performance in other rifles.
While it is a multifaceted conundrum, the end result is still a shortage of components. 
Our shop is first and foremost an accuracy shop. Randy’s focus is, as a result, on top components to use to work up the best accuracy for each rifle.   He used to have a wide array of components to choose from, but the selection is drying up and causes issues in trying to find what is needed.
We know of sporting goods stores, for instance, that have had orders with Nosler for handloading components for over two years, with not even an iota of those orders being fulfilled.  
The scarcity issue is not helped by people that order from places, via alerts when product comes in, and buy up many, many more times what they need to hoard.    Great for them, but most of us don’t have the time, nor the large amounts of capital to buy up pallets and pallets of components to hoard. 

Follow us on Rumble: 
Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!
Support us on Patreon, for at least 48 exclusive videos by Randy, as well as photography, artography, articles and items of interest that we like to share with our Patrons.   We truly appreciate the support of our Patrons.

Randy talks about some of the reasons he and others feel there is not only a shortage of reloading components, but the end result is more people feel they have no choice but to use factory ammo.
Can you get good accuracy? Yes. Great, precise accuracy, seldom. You are getting a generic load that will work very well in some rifles and will give less than acceptable performance in other rifles.
While it is a multifaceted conundrum, the end result is still a shortage of components.
Our shop is first and foremost an accuracy shop. Randy’s focus is, as a result, on top components to use to work up the best accuracy for each rifle. He used to have a wide array of components to choose from, but the selection is drying up and causes issues in trying to find what is needed.
We know of sporting goods stores, for instance, that have had orders with Nosler for handloading components for over two years, with not even an iota of those orders being fulfilled.
The scarcity issue is not helped by people that order from places, via alerts when product comes in, and buy up many, many more times what they need to hoard. Great for them, but most of us don’t have the time, nor the large amounts of capital to buy up pallets and pallets of components to hoard.

Follow us on Rumble:
Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!
Support us on Patreon, for at least 48 exclusive videos by Randy, as well as photography, artography, articles and items of interest that we like to share with our Patrons. We truly appreciate the support of our Patrons.

766 142

YouTube Video UExfMkdibmJDaUQ0ZFd1eVV2SlFIeGsyaEtWT2R3NTlNMi45RTgxNDRBMzUwRjQ0MDhC

Ammo shortage conundrum

The Real Gunsmith July 27, 2024 3:53 pm

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
This quote is attributed to various sources, most often Edmund Burke. Whomever said it first, with basis of Biblical urgings, it is never more true than now.
We hear that “my vote doesn’t count”, “all elections are rigged”, etc.  Bull-pucky. At least in local elections, your vote DOES count. And if WE don’t start changing things from the ground up, and even doing our best to make our one vote count in Presidential elections, rigged or not, IF you don’t do anything but complain, you are and will be part of the problem.
We used to quote, “vote for the lessor of two evils”, however, rightly, Frank Pavone rightly says that we need to limit evil. No candidate is perfect. Some are already under the influence of evil, and some may be corrupted towards evil.
But if we don’t make our voices heard, in the voting booth, by contacting local, state and federal representatives, we will ALLOW evil to continue to get the upper hand thereby we become part of the problem.
Be a Patriot. VOTE!  Now, more than EVER, it is important to VOTE, to contact your representatives at ALL levels.
Side note:  “Let me get my shoes.” is the new “Hold my beer.”   Seen on widely circulating memes after July 13, 2024 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. 

Follow us on Rumble:  

Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
This quote is attributed to various sources, most often Edmund Burke. Whomever said it first, with basis of Biblical urgings, it is never more true than now.
We hear that “my vote doesn’t count”, “all elections are rigged”, etc. Bull-pucky. At least in local elections, your vote DOES count. And if WE don’t start changing things from the ground up, and even doing our best to make our one vote count in Presidential elections, rigged or not, IF you don’t do anything but complain, you are and will be part of the problem.
We used to quote, “vote for the lessor of two evils”, however, rightly, Frank Pavone rightly says that we need to limit evil. No candidate is perfect. Some are already under the influence of evil, and some may be corrupted towards evil.
But if we don’t make our voices heard, in the voting booth, by contacting local, state and federal representatives, we will ALLOW evil to continue to get the upper hand thereby we become part of the problem.
Be a Patriot. VOTE! Now, more than EVER, it is important to VOTE, to contact your representatives at ALL levels.
Side note: “Let me get my shoes.” is the new “Hold my beer.” Seen on widely circulating memes after July 13, 2024 assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Follow us on Rumble:

Support The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, Cathy, if you feel so inclined. And thanks, if you do!

395 58

YouTube Video UExfMkdibmJDaUQ0ZFd1eVV2SlFIeGsyaEtWT2R3NTlNMi4yQUE2Q0JEMTk4NTM3RTZC

Be a Patriot: Vote

The Real Gunsmith July 19, 2024 3:24 pm

In the first blow up story,  that came within a hair’s breath of ending in death, is the video Randy discusses that was brought to our attention by a client produced by Kentucky Ballistics: 
The blow up was from a 50 cal. Serbu and a very old round of ammo.  After much thought, Randy feels that part of the problem was perhaps the old round had powder that had broken down over years from heat, etc., as well as, because of the explosion, the cap on the rifle, though fully engaged, was not deep enough to contain the explosion.  However, even a deeper, thicker cap very well could not have prevented this astounding amount of power.  Yet, with all of the pressure, it still could have happened. 
As a result of putting his thumb in his open wound, they now have shirts, “Just Put a Thumb In It”.
Thanks be to God, from quick thinking and outstanding care, he survived and continues his interesting work.

Randy recounts a blow up that happened to his friend, and it is quite possible that the breakdown of the powder, 4064, also caused this experience with his 03-A3 Springfield rifle. There is also his friend, that years ago, had a blow up, from his M-1 Garand.  He received shrapnel from this, and though this was decades ago, he had shrapnel work out just recently.  Strangely enough, this piece of shrapnel caused year long eye issue and with removal of the shrapnel resolved the eye issue.
Finally, a friend who wanted his Mark X Interarms Mauser in .338 Win rechambered to Randy’s .308x.404 Wapiti Express, however, there was something wrong with the rifle that needed checked out first. Thankfully, the issue was found and corrected or that man would have had a possible deadly explosion.

In summary, Randy discusses some powder issues in reloading that can cause extreme issues, possibly harmful issues.    

Support Cathy, The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, for all of her behind the scenes work. 

Follow us on Rumble:
Join us on Patreon for a minimum of 48 exclusive videos, with local photography by Cathy, as well as some of her digital artography, items of interest.

In the first blow up story, that came within a hair’s breath of ending in death, is the video Randy discusses that was brought to our attention by a client produced by Kentucky Ballistics:
The blow up was from a 50 cal. Serbu and a very old round of ammo. After much thought, Randy feels that part of the problem was perhaps the old round had powder that had broken down over years from heat, etc., as well as, because of the explosion, the cap on the rifle, though fully engaged, was not deep enough to contain the explosion. However, even a deeper, thicker cap very well could not have prevented this astounding amount of power. Yet, with all of the pressure, it still could have happened.
As a result of putting his thumb in his open wound, they now have shirts, “Just Put a Thumb In It”.
Thanks be to God, from quick thinking and outstanding care, he survived and continues his interesting work.

Randy recounts a blow up that happened to his friend, and it is quite possible that the breakdown of the powder, 4064, also caused this experience with his 03-A3 Springfield rifle. There is also his friend, that years ago, had a blow up, from his M-1 Garand. He received shrapnel from this, and though this was decades ago, he had shrapnel work out just recently. Strangely enough, this piece of shrapnel caused year long eye issue and with removal of the shrapnel resolved the eye issue.
Finally, a friend who wanted his Mark X Interarms Mauser in .338 Win rechambered to Randy’s .308x.404 Wapiti Express, however, there was something wrong with the rifle that needed checked out first. Thankfully, the issue was found and corrected or that man would have had a possible deadly explosion.

In summary, Randy discusses some powder issues in reloading that can cause extreme issues, possibly harmful issues.

Support Cathy, The Real Gunsmith’s Wife, for all of her behind the scenes work.

Follow us on Rumble:
Join us on Patreon for a minimum of 48 exclusive videos, with local photography by Cathy, as well as some of her digital artography, items of interest.

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YouTube Video UExfMkdibmJDaUQ0ZFd1eVV2SlFIeGsyaEtWT2R3NTlNMi44Mjc5REFBRUE2MTdFRDU0

Blow Ups!

The Real Gunsmith April 27, 2024 7:12 pm

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